LakeView Church

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How to Guide: Growth Groups

A Growth Group is a small group of people who are following Jesus together. They are two to five individuals, or perhaps three couples—about as many people as can comfortably sit around a kitchen table. It’s important that Growth Groups stay small because smaller groups tend to be more relationally connected, more engaged, and more vulnerable, and that’s the key to spiritual growth. Without vulnerability, you might have an enjoyable evening socializing, but it often won’t be much more than that.

It may come as a surprise to hear that Growth Groups don’t need trained leaders with specialized skills. We believe that any Christian can make disciples, not just the trained professionals. You don’t need to be a leader, you simply need to be a follower of Jesus. Due to their small size and informal nature, Growth Groups should feel more like having coffee with a few close friends than an organized small groups program. You don’t need special training to meet with friends and talk about Jesus. Still, it takes a little intentionality to point the conversation to the Lord.

Growth Groups should meet weekly or biweekly. Here’s a sample meeting guide, but feel free to improvise and allow the Lord to direct the conversation naturally.

  1. Open with prayer, inviting the Lord to speak.

  2. Share how you’re doing, and be honest! If you’re struggling, share it. I promise you’re not the only one struggling! Growth Groups aren’t a place to judge one another but to encourage and pray for one another. In your sharing, be mindful of the time. It’s important that each person has an opportunity to participate.

  3. Share what the Lord has been stirring in your heart. It may be from a devotional, a sermon, a podcast, a song, during prayer, or some other source—God speaks in a variety of ways. You may no be sure if God has spoken anything to you, and that’s okay! There’s no pressure to hear a word from the Lord each week. If you’re wondering about whether a thought or impression may have been from the Lord, share it and ask for additional prayers for clarification.

  4. Pray for one another. Everyone in the group should be prayed for each week.

That’s it! Seems like it’s not enough? We believe when followers of Jesus meet to talk about what they’re learning in Scripture and how they’re doing in life, and to pray for one another, the Holy Spirit will direct them to take next steps with Jesus and encourage one another along the way. If your Growth Group wants to do a Bible study or read and discuss a book, feel free to pursue those options as the Spirit leads you. If you want help or ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the pastors or Overseers!