LakeView Church

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What is the Stewardship Team?

Recently, we announced some changes to our leadership structure at LakeView Church. LakeView, like many evangelical churches in the developed West, has historically had a leadership structure akin to a non-profit organization, a spiritual service provider serving spiritual goods and services to spiritual consumers (aka, congregants). However, we believe God is calling us to restore the watchmen. That is, to return Elders to their biblical role as the shepherds of God’s flock.

After a long study of biblical eldership, we have redesigned the office of Elder from that of Board Member to that of Overseer of a Gospel Community (Gospel Communities will be launching September 2022—stay tuned). Along with that, we are bringing back the office of Deacon, servant-leaders who will assist the Overseers and ministry staff in the hands-on work of the ministry.

“But,” you ask, “what about the board? Who will fulfill the responsibilities of the old Elder Board?” I’m so glad you asked! The answer to your question is the Stewardship Team.

Each year, the Council of Overseers will appoint a Stewardship Team of Overseers and Deacons. This team will serve under the authority of the Council of Overseers. It will minimally consist of the Lead Pastor, the Overseer Chair, the Overseer Secretary, and the Church Treasurer. In addition, the Council of Overseers may appoint 1-4 additional Deacons or Overseers to serve on the Stewardship Team as needed (e.g., a Deacon of the Building, Infrastructure, and Grounds Team may also serve on the Stewardship Team if we are planning major facility renovations in the next year).

Stewardship Team members will serve a one-year term. Their responsibilities include:

  • Meeting quarterly to help define direction and goals

  • Writing or approving organizational policies

  • Handling financial and facilities-related questions

  • Drafting or approving the first draft of the annual operating budget

  • Providing financial and other reports to the full Council of Overseers before congregational meetings

The leadership model outlined above is not a detailed blueprint but a high-level sketch. We believe this model restores the role of Elder/Overseer to its biblical role of shepherd. We also believe this model structures the church to shepherd one another and provides opportunities for men and women to serve in leadership. Our mission is to be disciples who make disciples, following Jesus together for the glory of God and the common good.