LakeView Church

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How To Guide: Quiet Time

A “quiet time” is a time to put yourself before the Lord and allow him to love and lead you. As you practice daily time with God, you will gradually be more conformed to Christ. Below is a simple format. Pick a quiet place, set aside a specific time, and stick to it. You may have to get up thirty minutes earlier, or carve out some quiet time in the evening when you’d normally be watching TV. It will require commitment and sacrifice, but it will be worth it.

5 minutes — Begin with centering yourself in Christ. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and calm your mind. Try repeating a centering prayer timed with your breathing for several minutes. Here are a few examples.

  • As you breathe in, whisper quietly, “Spirit of God.” As you breath out, whisper quietly, “Breathe on me.”

  • Inhale, “Lamb of God,” exhale, “Have mercy on me.”

  • Inhale, “Speak, Lord,” exhale, “Your servant is listening.”

  • Inhale, “Father in Heaven,” exhale, “Hallowed be thy name.”

10 minutes — Engage with God in Scripture. Spend time with the Lord and allow his Spirit to apply the Scripture to you personally. If it takes longer than ten minutes, that’s okay.

10 minutes — Silently listen for the Lord to speak to your heart. Allow your thoughts to reflect on the Scripture reading for the day. This isn’t the time for you to present your requests to the Lord. This is contemplative prayer, listening prayer. Be strict with your silence—don’t skimp this time! Even if you feel like you’re not hearing God speak, it’s important to sit and quietly listen for at least ten minutes. As you get more comfortable with this habit, extend the time to fifteen minutes, then twenty.

10 minutes — Talk with God about the Scripture and your time of contemplation. If you believe God stirred something in your heart, resolve to act on it. It helps to keep a journal, so you remember and share with your Growth Group. Pray for the others in your Growth Group.