Cozy up with Christian Fiction

As the days become shorter, sunsets comes sooner and the weather outside becomes less inviting NOW is a good time to cozy up with a Christian fiction book from Lakeview’s church library.  Stories (parables) were one of Jesus’ favorite teaching methods to illustrate and emphasize key points to his followers about the Kingdom of God.
Christian fiction can do the same for us. Not only can a story deepen our understanding and application of biblical truth but it can also broaden our horizons in the following:
     -We can learn about different periods of history and better understand the people, the culture, and the unique faith challenges they dealt with and the impact it had on present times.
     -Christian fiction can provide us with a different view of the problems of our time. We can see situations through the lens of fictional characters and learn from their mistakes and successes while reflecting on our own lives. 
     -Reading Christian fiction is good for our minds. It allows us to stimulate our brains, engage our thoughts in imagery, wonder and mystery while giving our eyes a break from social media. 
     -A good book can leave a lasting impact.  As believers we can be moved and inspired by a hero or heroine who shows strong faith and courage in difficult situations or when facing persecution. 
     -The best Christian fiction gives readers a least a basic understanding of the Gospel and shares the redemptive love of Christ with readers who might not otherwise read the Bible or attend a church service. It can be an open invitation of restoration for the heart of an unbeliever or to someone who has walked away from their first love. 
Stop by the Fireside Room or downstairs in Lakeview’s Library (room 110) this month to see our Christian fiction books on display and find a book for you and/or a friend. We have some exciting new arrivals as well as some editions in large print. 

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