Youth Dinner & Talent Show Fundraiser
Join the youth group for dinner and a show. The youth will share their talents and stories as we enjoy a meal together and hear about our vision for youth ministry. This event is a fundraiser for the youth ministry summer trips. It’s free, but donations are appreciated! Thank you!
Kids Sing for Christmas
Oh come all ye faithful! LVKids have been preparing two Christmas songs to share with you this holiday season. Make sure to join us December 15, in either service, as we celebrate the birth of our savior!
Child Dedication
Interested in having your child dedicated and want to find out more, contact Jo at
Spiritual Formation Summit
We understand that parents are the primary spiritual influencers of their children and we want to partner with you to help them grow into adults who follow Christ. One of the focuses of this Summit will be to gather input from parent on your dreams for your kids faith when they graduate high school.
There will be light dinner available at 4:30 and child care from 5:00 to 8:00.
Hymn Sing
Enjoy a night of singing, prayer, and reflection with plenty of classic hymns.
High School Bible Study - James
High Schoolers, join us for lunch, connection, and digging into the book of James. Meets after 2nd service at the Barriga’s House 1819 Palmer St. Stoughton. Catch a ride or walk with the group.
Starts October 20th!
session 2 - October 27
session 3 - November 10
session 4- November 17
Fall Sessions Kick Off
Sessions are a blend of fellowship and teaching, designed to help us grow in wisdom and the understanding of God’s Word together.
Register for one today
Gospel Communities
A church is a spiritual family, the household of God. We’ve come to think of Sunday morning worship services as family reunions, every family member together celebrating our glorious Father and enjoying his face shining on us as we worship. But families do more than gather for reunions. That’s where Gospel Communities come in. You can imagine a Gospel Community like a family holiday gathering. It’s not the full extended family, but a few households coming together for a meal and celebration. A Gospel Community is where you connect, belong, and are known. Gospel Communities are a new way of being the church, and we want you to join us. Find a group that works best for your schedule.
Sunday @ 11:30am
Monday @ 6pm
Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Wednesday @ 5:30pm
Sign up here
Expeditions Unlimited Trip
Students in 6th-12th can join us for our annual Expeditions Unlimited Trip. This year will will caone and camp one night on the Wisconsin River, then head over to Expeditions campground for high ropes and one night camping at their site. Cost $145/student.
Ministry Architects Weekend
Ministry Architects has been invited to partner with our church to hear what you have to share about the children and youth ministries. They want to listen to you, with these goals in mind:
Listening: People who care about the children and youth ministries will have a chance to vent, dream, identify pressure points, and talk about what they really want.
A Clear Plan: Ministry Architects will provide an overview picture of where the church is now relative to where it would like to go, and then give a detailed proposal and timeline for how to move forward in building sustainable children and youth ministries.
Focus: This process is designed to build unity around the the desire for change and the belief that you can change and create the openness to embrace an intentional, deliberate game plan for making those changes.
Hope: Ministry Architects is saying, “You CAN have the kind of programs God wants to lavish on your church. It’s going to take some work, but you CAN do it.”
Friday, July 26
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM: Parents of Children
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Parents of Youth
6:45 PM - 7:45 PM: Youth
Saturday, July 27
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Children’s ministry volunteers
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM: Youth ministry volunteers
Sunday, July 28
1:30 PM: Assessment Report Presentation
Church Picnic
Join us for a picnic after church and bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Evidence for Belief
An apologetics session, that will discuss a variety of questions. Sessions do not build on each other so you can enjoy all or pick the topics most interesting to you.
Meeting Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Fireside Room
July 10th: Is the Bible reliable?
July 17th: Can we actually prove God exists?
July 24th: Evidence from Nature: Biology
July 31st: Evidence from Nature: Geology
August 7th: Evidence from Nature: Astronomy
August 14th: What do we do with the facts?
Evidence for Belief
An apologetics session, that will discuss a variety of questions. Sessions do not build on each other so you can enjoy all or pick the topics most interesting to you.
Meeting Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Fireside Room
June 26: Is Christianity reasonable?
July 10th: Is the Bible reliable?
July 17th: Can we actually prove God exists?
July 24th: Evidence from Nature: Biology
July 31st: Evidence from Nature: Geology
August 7th: Evidence from Nature: Astronomy
August 14th: What do we do with the facts?
NYG Bigger/Better Swap
Youth in grades 6-12 can join us for this competition. Each group will be given a penny and will need to trade neighbors for something bigger and better than the last item. Best item at the end wins!
NYG Summer Kick-Off Pool Party
Youth in grades 6-12 can join us for pool summer kick-off party. Come hang by the pool, play some games, and enjoy a cookout at the Smith house 598 Taylor Lane, Stoughton
Gospel Community Week
A church is a spiritual family, the household of God. We’ve come to think of Sunday morning worship services as family reunions, every family member together celebrating our glorious Father and enjoying his face shining on us as we worship. But families do more than gather for reunions. That’s where Gospel Communities come in. You can imagine a Gospel Community like a family holiday gathering. It’s not the full extended family, but a few households coming together for a meal and celebration. A Gospel Community is where you connect, belong, and are known. Gospel Communities are a new way of being the church, and we want you to join us. Find a group that works best for your schedule.
No NYG in May
NYG (LV Youth) will take a break through the month of May.
We will kick off for the summer on June 12. Incoming 6th graders welcome!
This Is My Story Night
Have you ever wondered about how God impacts people’s lives? Let’s spend an evening together celebrating God’s faithfulness as we listen to stories about how God is working in our lives. In addition to hearing stories of God’s faithfulness, we will spend time praising God in worship and prayer. Please join us as we gather together as God’s family to celebrate what God is doing today in our lives.
Gospel Community Week
A church is a spiritual family, the household of God. We’ve come to think of Sunday morning worship services as family reunions, every family member together celebrating our glorious Father and enjoying his face shining on us as we worship. But families do more than gather for reunions. That’s where Gospel Communities come in. You can imagine a Gospel Community like a family holiday gathering. It’s not the full extended family, but a few households coming together for a meal and celebration. A Gospel Community is where you connect, belong, and are known. Gospel Communities are a new way of being the church, and we want you to join us. Find a group that works best for your schedule.
Prayer Sessions
“Before you talk to people about God, you need to talk to God about people.” ~ E. M. Bounds
Join us at 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room on Wednesday evenings in April and May as we come together to pray for our neighbors, our friends, and our local communities.
Apr 3
Apr 17
May 1
May 15
May 22
May 29
Waffle Breakfast
The family is gathering in celebration for our risen savior. Join us as we eat and fellowship over waffles this Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday
Jesus is Alive!
Celebrate with us.
Service at 8:30am and 10:45am. A waffle breakfast will be served at 9:30
Palm Sunday
Start Holy Week with us as we celebrate Palm Sunday.
Service at 8:30am and 10:00am. Nursery available at 10:30am service
Gospel Community Week
A church is a spiritual family, the household of God. We’ve come to think of Sunday morning worship services as family reunions, every family member together celebrating our glorious Father and enjoying his face shining on us as we worship. But families do more than gather for reunions. That’s where Gospel Communities come in. You can imagine a Gospel Community like a family holiday gathering. It’s not the full extended family, but a few households coming together for a meal and celebration. A Gospel Community is where you connect, belong, and are known. Gospel Communities are a new way of being the church, and we want you to join us. Find a group that works best for your schedule.