Meet the Overseer Nominees

“To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons…” (Philippians 1:1).

Overseers, also called Elders, are the shepherds and caretakers of God’s flock, the church. They are appointed by the Holy Spirit to love, encourage, help, care for, and lead the congregation in which they are called. At LakeView, new Overseers are called to leadership by the existing team of Overseers, and their calling is affirmed by the Members of LakeView at a congregational meeting.

On April 24, we will have our annual congregational meeting, at which we will ask the Members to affirm three Overseer nominees.

Wayne Hansen

Wayne grew up just outside of Stoughton, and he is happy to still be able to call Stoughton home. He attended college at UW-Eau Claire, where he first became a Christ-follower while involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A couple of key mentors in Eau Claire influenced and encouraged Wayne as he grew and stepped into leadership roles in ministry. The efforts of these mentors has come full circle, as Wayne desires to be the same kind of disciple-maker that these men were.

Since initially coming to LakeView in 2002, Wayne has been involved in many ministries, including student ministry, young adult ministry, group discipleship, and he served as an Elder/Overseer from January 2012 – June 2018 and again from July 2019 through June 2022. Wayne currently serves as the Overseer Chairman. On his “day job,” Wayne is a consultant in the healthcare information technology field, where he can use his knowledge and experience in project management, information technology, and health plan administration.

Wayne’s wife, Marissa also grew up in Stoughton and attended UW-Eau Claire. However, it wasn’t until they both moved back to Stoughton and began attending LakeView that they became friends. They later fell in love, were married, and now have four little ones: Maren, Kristian, Sven, and Liv. Marissa is employed as a school counselor at Waunakee Intermediate School, where she enjoys her role as the counselor to fifth grade students and helping to build a healthy and effective counseling team. In addition to enjoying motherhood, Marissa loves creative arts and drama, paddleboarding, and anything in, on, or near a lake or beach.

Overseers are appointed to three-year terms. Wayne is finishing up a term this June, and we’ve called him back for a second term that will begin in July.

Daryl Anderson

Daryl and his wife, Carol, were married on September 6, 1975. Today they have eleven beautiful grandchildren! They’ve lived in Stoughton and been actively engaged at LakeView since November 2020.

Daryl is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). He earned a Master’s degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Daryl and Carol served in full-time vocational ministry with the EFCA from 1981 until retirement in December 2021. They started their ministry serving as missionaries in French-speaking Belgium, planting a church in the town of Libramont. In 1989 Daryl was asked to be the Director of the EFCA missionary work in Europe, and they moved to the town of Sitzenkirch, Germany. In 1996 Daryl was asked to be the Executive Director for EFCA International Operations, serving at the EFCA National Office in Minnesota until retirement. Daryl and Carol also directed the ministry of GlobalFingerprints for six years. GlobalFingerprints is the EFCA’s child sponsorship program, which has over 4,000 children sponsored in 11 countries around the world.

The Overseers have called Daryl to serve his first three-year term as an Overseer of LakeView Church.

Jim Hergenroether

Jim is number five of seven siblings. As a child, he moved with his family to many cities as his father climbed the corporate ladder, ultimately settling in Stoughton in 1967.

Jim met his wife Susan in chemistry class at MATC and quickly fell in love. They lived in Madison, but moved back to Stoughton once the kids were old enough to go to school. They have four children, Christina (who passed in 2019), Joe, Dan and Sylvia, and eight incredible grandkids.

Jim worked as a service manager and parts & service director in the automotive industry for 35 years. He managed some of the largest auto dealerships in the Midwest. Since retiring, he is thankful for the time he now has to pursue his hobbies; hunting, fishing, and fingerpicking his Martin acoustic guitars.

Jim was raised Catholic, but stopped going to church once he became an adult. Ever aware of that empty/missing piece in his soul, he tried filling it with many worldly pleasures, but nothing filled it. In his mid-forties, God led him to an old Bible that was being used as a coaster on a bedside table. God removed the veil over Jim’s eyes and for the first time, he read and understood the gospel message of salvation by grace in Ephesians 2:8, 9. He and Susan came to the first outreach service at LakeView Church in 1999, a Good Friday drama, and they have been coming ever since. Jim has been active in Missions, Welcome Team, and Men’s Ministry over the years, and is currently serving as Missions Team leader.


The Value of Life


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