Library Easter Selections

CHURCH FAMILY: Stop by the Fireside Room to check out our great selection of Easter-themed books and DVDs for you and your family.  Spend time these next few weeks contemplating the historical and personal significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Reflect on the many ways he demonstrated His love for The Father and for each one of us.  Make a commitment to go deeper in your faith this Easter. 

Here are some of the selections that are available in the Fireside Room for you to borrow.  If you can’t find a desired book or are seeking a specific author or theme, feel free to visit our full library in room 110 or contact one of our library volunteers for assistance.


Books About Jewish Roots

Celebrating Jesus in The Biblical Feasts  by Dr. Richard Booker     Uncovers hidden prophetic messages in each of the biblical feasts and highlights how each feast is a picture of Jesus the Messiah.                                                                                                      

Mysteries of The Messiah  by Rabbi Jason Sobel     Shows intricate connections in God’s word between the Old and New Testaments and how Jesus the Messiah is revealed in both.                                                                                                                     

The Forgotten Jesus  by Robby Gallaty             Highlights Israel’s little-known Jewish culture, customs and nuances to deepen our understanding of Jesus’ life from a biblical perspective.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Books About Holy Week/Good Friday

And The Angels Were Silent  by Max Lucado                Gives an intimate view of our Savior’s last week as  He faced the coming cross with loving purpose and deliberate intent.                                                                                                          

Six Hours One Friday  by Max Lucado                Delves into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross and explains how through His death your life has meaning and purpose.

Cries From the Cross  by  Erwin W. Lutzer           Examines Jesus’ last words and His heart for us as He hung on the cross. It captures what the cross meant to Jesus and what it should mean to us.

The Radical Cross  by A.W. Tozer                  Are short essays, in which Tozer considers with piercing conviction the offense and power of the cross.

Cross Purposes  by D. James Kennedy     Are short devotional readings approaches the crucifixion of Jesus with a different perspective.

 He Chose the Nails  by Max Lucado                Is an invitation to examine the cross, contemplate its purpose, and celebrate its significance as you are reassured of God’s love for you.       

Books About Jesus

All For Jesus by. Franklin Graham         Are devotional readings that inspire and challenge readers to embrace a life devoted to Jesus aimed at glorifying Him.       

Jesus - The Greatest Life of All  by Charles Swindoll         Takes you on a fascinating journey through the life of Jesus, rich with biblical and historical insights and practical application.

A Case For Christ  by Lee Strobel                 Is a presentation of compelling evidence and expert testimony from biblical scholars for the claims of Christianity, based on point-blank questions.          

A Case For Easter  by Lee Strobel                 Examines how we can know the biblical accounts of Jesus’ resurrection are accurate by actively looking at the evidence from that time.

Family DVDs

Apostle Peter and The Last Supper

 Son of God (Blu-Ray)

 The Gospel of John (3 DVD Set)

 The Road to Emmaus

 The Case for Christ

 Jesus - Fact or Fiction

 Veggie Tales - An Easter Carol

 Veggie Tales - ’Twas the Night Before Easter



Cool off with a Christian Classic


Gretchen’s Memorial